The Brave Little Squirrel Once upon a time, in a beautiful green forest, there lived a brave little squirrel named Sammy. Sammy loved adventures and lived in a cozy treehouse with his family. One sunny day, while Sammy was collecting acorns, he heard someone crying for help. He followed the sound and found a tiny bird trapped in a thorny bush. The bird’s wing was hurt, and it couldn’t fly. “Don’t worry, little bird. I’ll help you,” said Sammy. Sammy carefully removed the thorns and freed the bird. The bird, named Bella, was very thankful. “Thank you, Sammy! You’re very brave. But my wing still hurts, and I can’t fly,” Bella said sadly. Sammy wanted to help Bella, so he remembered his grandfather’s story about a special medicinal herb that could heal. It grew deep in the forest. Sammy decided to find the herb for Bella. Sammy’s journey was hard. He crossed a fast river, climbed steep hills, and walked through dark woods. He didn’t give up because he thought about Bella needing his help....
Twinkle Twinkle
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